Dried flower Bouquet | Everlasting Florals | Dried Bouquet
Delight in the delicate beauty of our small dried flower bouquet, meticulously designed and handmade by Hayley at Bouquets on a Boat. This charming petite arrangement includes one dried red rose, barley, wheat, dried nigella heads, lavender, preserved red fern, and dried gypsophila. Perfect for adding a subtle touch of elegance to any corner of your home.
Care Instructions:
Longevity: Dried flowers can last for months, if not years, with proper care.
Colour Preservation: To maintain their vibrant colour, keep the bouquet out of direct sunlight. Please note that some fading over time is natural.
Humidity: Avoid placing the bouquet in humid or damp areas to prevent damage.
Dust Removal: Gently remove dust with a hairdryer on a low, no-heat setting.
Each bouquet from Bouquets on a Boat is handcrafted with care, ensuring that no two are exactly alike. We embrace the unique charm that comes with handcrafting, making your bouquet truly one of a kind.
If you have any enquiries or questions, we would love to hear from you and help.
Please note all designs are similar but unique to their own, dependent on the availability of florals.
Delight in the delicate beauty of our small dried flower bouquet, meticulously designed and handmade by Hayley at Bouquets on a Boat. This charming petite arrangement includes one dried red rose, barley, wheat, dried nigella heads, lavender, preserved red fern, and dried gypsophila. Perfect for adding a subtle touch of elegance to any corner of your home.
Care Instructions:
Longevity: Dried flowers can last for months, if not years, with proper care.
Colour Preservation: To maintain their vibrant colour, keep the bouquet out of direct sunlight. Please note that some fading over time is natural.
Humidity: Avoid placing the bouquet in humid or damp areas to prevent damage.
Dust Removal: Gently remove dust with a hairdryer on a low, no-heat setting.
Each bouquet from Bouquets on a Boat is handcrafted with care, ensuring that no two are exactly alike. We embrace the unique charm that comes with handcrafting, making your bouquet truly one of a kind.
If you have any enquiries or questions, we would love to hear from you and help.
Please note all designs are similar but unique to their own, dependent on the availability of florals.
Delight in the delicate beauty of our small dried flower bouquet, meticulously designed and handmade by Hayley at Bouquets on a Boat. This charming petite arrangement includes one dried red rose, barley, wheat, dried nigella heads, lavender, preserved red fern, and dried gypsophila. Perfect for adding a subtle touch of elegance to any corner of your home.
Care Instructions:
Longevity: Dried flowers can last for months, if not years, with proper care.
Colour Preservation: To maintain their vibrant colour, keep the bouquet out of direct sunlight. Please note that some fading over time is natural.
Humidity: Avoid placing the bouquet in humid or damp areas to prevent damage.
Dust Removal: Gently remove dust with a hairdryer on a low, no-heat setting.
Each bouquet from Bouquets on a Boat is handcrafted with care, ensuring that no two are exactly alike. We embrace the unique charm that comes with handcrafting, making your bouquet truly one of a kind.
If you have any enquiries or questions, we would love to hear from you and help.
Please note all designs are similar but unique to their own, dependent on the availability of florals.