Dried Pink bouquet


Bring a touch of nature’s magic into your space with this beautifully crafted dried flower bouquet, made aboard our narrowboat! Thoughtfully arranged with a whimsical mix of 15-25 stems, each bouquet celebrates the beauty of soft pink hues, featuring poppy seed heads, preserved eucalyptus, wheat, bunny tails, limonium, and an assortment of delicate grasses. Perfect for a cozy bud vase or as a thoughtful gift for a loved one, each arrangement feels like a little slice of nature—capturing the essence of timeless, natural beauty.

Whether you're sprucing up your home, treating yourself, or surprising a friend, this bouquet adds an elegant, nature-inspired touch. Since every bouquet is handmade, each one carries its own unique personality, with seasonal elements that may change slightly—always keeping things fresh and creative.

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Bring a touch of nature’s magic into your space with this beautifully crafted dried flower bouquet, made aboard our narrowboat! Thoughtfully arranged with a whimsical mix of 15-25 stems, each bouquet celebrates the beauty of soft pink hues, featuring poppy seed heads, preserved eucalyptus, wheat, bunny tails, limonium, and an assortment of delicate grasses. Perfect for a cozy bud vase or as a thoughtful gift for a loved one, each arrangement feels like a little slice of nature—capturing the essence of timeless, natural beauty.

Whether you're sprucing up your home, treating yourself, or surprising a friend, this bouquet adds an elegant, nature-inspired touch. Since every bouquet is handmade, each one carries its own unique personality, with seasonal elements that may change slightly—always keeping things fresh and creative.

Bring a touch of nature’s magic into your space with this beautifully crafted dried flower bouquet, made aboard our narrowboat! Thoughtfully arranged with a whimsical mix of 15-25 stems, each bouquet celebrates the beauty of soft pink hues, featuring poppy seed heads, preserved eucalyptus, wheat, bunny tails, limonium, and an assortment of delicate grasses. Perfect for a cozy bud vase or as a thoughtful gift for a loved one, each arrangement feels like a little slice of nature—capturing the essence of timeless, natural beauty.

Whether you're sprucing up your home, treating yourself, or surprising a friend, this bouquet adds an elegant, nature-inspired touch. Since every bouquet is handmade, each one carries its own unique personality, with seasonal elements that may change slightly—always keeping things fresh and creative.